Open your mind
Discover new ways to look at problems, families and relationships. Live in greater harmony with yourself, your families and partners, and society
Family Constellations
People bring their unique story to family constellations. Opening ourselves to the bigger picture is often a way to bring clarity to the difficulties - big and small - we experience in our lives

Clare Crombie offers an opportunity to experience the approach known as 'Systemic Family Constellations'

Clare has been living and working from home in Oxford since 2016, after 16 years living in Edinburgh. Sign up for the newsletter to receive updates.

Images copyright Chris Glynn 2021

Following the success of the 2023 CSC Foundation in Systemic Constellations I’m thrilled to say that Sheila McCarthy Dodd and I will be teaching the course again in Edinburgh next year, starting with Module 1 in September. Plenty of time to plan.

If you missed this year and would like to think about joining the course next year, you might like to read  some of the comments we received from this year’s students:

“To describe my experience of the Constellation Foundation Course as anything less than life-changing would be a disservice to the field, our teachers and potential future students of the course. Our facilitators at the CSC, Sheila and Clare, held a safe and enriching space where a relatively short course of embodied learning exceeded years of cognitive learning. I found it financially challenging to attend this course, but it has been worth every penny. Not only did I personally gain but I have taken new practices to my work and research. Please accept my deep gratitude for all that has been involved in offering this learning experience”. Karen Finn, Systemic Practitioner, Edinburgh.

“I’ve just been lucky enough to complete CSC’s first Foundation Training Course in Edinburgh.  So many things are described as life changing these days that to describe my experience on this course in this way feels a little cliched – and yet this is what it was.  The trainers were incredible and together they offered the holding and the safety required for us as participants to do the intense emotional work we needed to do”.  Adria Stubbs, Counsellor East Lothian

“I was lucky to be in the first year of Foundation Training in Edinburgh, which feels pioneering and adventurous. This coincided with a change of direction for me, following 20 years working in mental health in the NHS. The training was a beautiful  blend of powerful experiential learning with playful and creative energy bringing the key theoretical concepts to life. Heartfelt embodied facilitation and a rich group of participants. All this gave me trust and I enjoyed a deeply satisfying, inspiring and insightful journey. I look forward to more learning in the field”. Lizi Henderson, Glasgow.

Another date for your diaries is “Constellating Your Story” on September 23rd in Edinburgh with me and Fiona Macbeth. Booking and enquiries direct to me or Fiona

Fiona also has some great offerings that I highly recommend you try. There is a free mini-taster on Wednesday 1st November from 6-7pm (GMT) and an inspiring course called “Welcoming the Hungry Ghosts” starting Monday 27th November – (book on Eventbrite).

Why come to a constellation workshop?

The Constellation approach offers a healing methodology that allows us to gain insight into ourselves and our current struggles; as we open our minds and hearts to a bigger picture. At a constellation workshop we use the group to create a ‘living map’ of a larger set of systems – our family, the community, society. We take into account the intergenerational transmission of trauma, and the feelings and learned survival systems that may be inhibiting our growth and potential. 

Using this process we hope to bring into relationship parts of ourselves, or our world, that have become separated; and in doing so, with warmth, support and empathy, we may encounter a greater capacity for healing within ourselves.

How can a constellation workshop help?

This approach has the capacity to clarify hidden dynamics – for example the trauma or difficulties that may have been experienced by previous generations; or rejected and painful emotions that have had to be suppressed within the family; which may be actively burdening or entangling you in the here and now. Difficult events often result in people being excluded from a family’s narrative of their history, while simultaneously being burdened by what they unconsciously carry from the past. The strength and energy to live life more fully become more easily available when we are willing and able to see where the feelings have really come from. The constellation approach provides the opportunity to do this, in a non-judgmental and confidential space.

Foundation Training in Systemic Constellations 2024 (Year 1) Scotland

This Foundation Training in Scotland offers an opportunity to develop a working understanding of a systemic constellation approach, which can be used to resolve personal, family and social issues. This course has been running for over 20 years across the UK and we are delighted to offer it for the first time in Scotland.

The Foundation Training is for anybody who wishes to gain a fuller understanding, from a systemic constellation perspective, of the issues and concerns that they may have in their everyday life – this may be personal, familial or professional. The course can therefore be taken for both professional and personal development reasons. More details about the training course can be found here.